Knock knee, medically known as Genu Valgum, is a condition characterized by a noticeable gap between the feet when standing with knees together. While it’s a common part of a child’s development, persistent or severe cases may indicate an underlying issue requiring treatment. In this article, we delve into the types, causes, symptoms, and treatment options for knock knees.
Types of Knock Knees
Typically observed in children aged 3 to 5, this is a natural part of development that often corrects itself by the age of 8.
Severe cases that persist beyond age 8 or develop in adulthood may be associated with underlying medical conditions such as obesity, vitamin D deficiency, or arthritis.
Symptoms of Knock Knees
– Visible inward angling of the knees
– Knee pain, often on the inner side
– Difficulties in walking and running
– Abnormal gait or awkward walking pattern
– Joint pain extending to hips and ankles
– Limited range of motion
– Discomfort during physical activities
When to Seek Medical Advice
Consult an orthopedic doctor if:
– The gap between ankles is greater than 8 cm
– Significant difference in angle between lower and upper legs
– They worsens, especially in children under 2 or over 7
– Only one leg is affected
– Other symptoms like knee pain or difficulty walking arise
Causes of Knock Knees
Various factors contribute to Genu Valgum, including physiological variation, rickets, osteoarthritis, Blount’s disease, trauma, congenital factors, obesity, connective tissue disorders, and infections.
Diagnosis of Knock Knees
Diagnosis involves a thorough medical history, physical examination, and sometimes imaging studies such as X-rays and MRI scans. Blood tests may be conducted if an underlying medical condition is suspected.
Treatment Options
For Children:
– Observation for natural correction
– Physical therapy to strengthen muscles and improve alignment
– Orthotic devices or braces for support
– Guided growth surgery for persistent cases
For Adults:
– Physical therapy for muscle strength and joint stability
– Orthotic devices for support
– Weight management for obesity-related cases
– Pain management with over-the-counter medications
– Surgery (osteotomy or joint replacement) in severe cases
Understanding the types, causes, and treatment options for knock knees is crucial for timely intervention. Dr. Shekhar Singal and the team at Orthoderma Clinic provides comprehensive orthopedic care, ensuring the well-being of our patients. If you have concerns about knock knees or any orthopedic issues, schedule a consultation with us for expert advice and personalized treatment.